Friday, April 16, 2010

Had a Meeting With My Editor Today.

She is a saint! We meet for writing tips, for marketing tips, and for the all important, meaning I really can't live without it, pep talk. I just need one of these every now and again as I journey down this uncharted road alone. Okay, a lot of other people have been down this publishing road before, but I've never done this, and the only way to really understand the writing and selling of a book is to write and sell a book yourself.

My mentor's pep talks are incredible. She makes me feel sane and like I semi-know what I'm doing; I'm headed in the right direction at a realistic pace. I cannot express to you how invaluable it is to hear such encouraging words from someone who's been here and done this.

These pep talks really restore my sanity. As I told her today, if I can just keep myself sane under the pressure of all of this, of editing my book, finding a literary agent, making some money off this book, all in some semblance of soon, you know, before my savings runs out...if I can stay sane through all of this, then I have no doubt I will succeed. And the second book will be..SO. MUCH. EASIER.

Notice how I didn't say I needed help with editing or marketing. No, no. Staying sane is the hard part, especially at this point in the marathon.

So I trudge forward. With renewed hope and vigor. And a new, prioritized plan of attack.

P.S. To the rest of the amazing people in my life who attempt to keep me sane every day, despite what a huge challenge it actually is, your efforts are sincerely appreciated. And keep up the good work. We're not published yet.

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