Friday, May 29, 2009

The Modern Gyre

Round and round,
And back and forth,
And up and down we go.

Through the whirring, spinning cogs,
Crazily we row.

Faster and faster
The world spins faster,
Insanely out of control.


This journey of life
Is nothing but the
Sloshing to and fro.

From toys, treats, and trains. “All fun!”
As children certainly know.

To Baghdad, budgets, and bailouts. “We’re through!”
We must reap what we sow


If not careful when we think
Of dark times at bay,

We’ll be dreaming while we’re sleeping
Of good times from yesterday.

Then we wake and scream,
“Come save us!”
For the evil is here today.


Our minds will be filled with such dangerous ills,
The children won’t dream anymore.

The slush on the tv,
Including the news,
Will destroy their brains like a dynamite fuse.

And man…
Will last no more.